Falcon Clinic

Lakelands Clinic

Exercise Technique

It’s Anya here from Miami Physiotherapy and Lakelands Physiotherapy, and I wanted to chat with you today about the way you do your exercises.    You’ll often come home from a physio appointment with a couple of exercises we have suggested you do. I know that...

Tension Headaches

Just about all of us have felt a tension headache at some point in our lives. But what is a tension headache and where does it come from?  Hi, I’m Scott, stick around and I’ll answer these questions about tension headaches. Tension headaches can come from a few...

Tips On How To Relieve Quadratus Lumborum Pain

  The Quadratus Lumborum (QL) muscle sits in your lower back. It is attached from your 12th rib, the L1-L5 transverse processes of the vertebrae and the iliac crest. If you’ve got an increased arch in your back and get aching to your lower back, your QL muscle...

Gluteal Tendinopathy: evidence based rehabilitation

Are you suffering from pain on the outside of your hip? Are you struggling to walk long distances or getting an ache at night that stops you sleeping? Hey guys, its Anya from Miami and Lakelands physio here, and I wanted to talk to you about gluteal tendinopathy, a...

Walking with a crutch or a stick

Do you walk with a single crutch or a stick? It is important that you are using your crutch correctly to help stabilise your balance, and reduce risk of asymmetry through the legs, hips and lower back as this may lead to further problems or injuries. As shown in my...