Falcon Clinic

Lakelands Clinic


Watch Scott, one of our Remedial Massage Therapists show you how to use a foam roller on your legs.

Currently with the weather getting colder, a lot of people are running or exercising without a proper warm up. So they’re stiffer without realising it and this is contributing to why we are seeing so many running and sports related injuries at the moment.

Following a remedial massage, we often set self massage and roller release exercises as homework for our patients. But I’ve also realised that often you need some help and to see this performed correctly to get it right.

It’s important to foam roll in between your appointments and before exercise (especially in the cold) to make the most of your rehabilitation and the gains that you experience with treatment. This allows each treatment to progress rather than taking one step forward and then 2 steps backwards.

So if you’re not sure whether you are foam rolling your legs correctly, keep watching to learn how to foam roll these areas properly!

Now you know exactly how to use your foam roller to release your leg muscles and keep them warm before you exercise. Once again this helps a lot in-between your remedial massage or physio sessions, and will help you to get the most out of your treatment.

If you have tried self-treatment but your muscle tightness and muscle strains keep recurring, you will benefit from a remedial massage therapist treatment or a physiotherapy assessment. Book online or give us a call at Miami Physiotherapy on 95344111 or Lakelands Physiotherapy on 95429999 and we’ll be able to help find the right therapist for your concern.

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