Falcon Clinic

Lakelands Clinic

Exercise and COVID Severity

Here is something you can do to increase your immunity and decrease the severity of COVID symptoms. I’m Shelley from Miami Physiotherapy and Lakelands Physiotherapy and I’m going to explain some new research from the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Since the...

Confessions of a Non-Runner Part 3

Hey, I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio, and here’s my confessions regarding what not to do when you are challenged to run/walk 100km in 1 month! In January, this year my friends came up with a 100km run/walk challenge for the month. The idea was to...

Why physiotherapy didn’t work for you

Have you ever heard someone say, or even said yourself – “physio didn’t work for me” Now let’s assume that you saw a good physio, there can be a few reasons why physio didn’t work for you. Firstly – goal setting. Did your physio and you talk about your goals? Did you...

Confessions of a Non-Running Runner Part Two

I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio and I’m talking about what can go wrong when you up the ante too much in your exercise regime. So, you’ll remember I mentioned my gradual, paced build up to being able to jog 5km? Everything was going peachy with my...

Confessions of a Non-Running Runner Part One

Getting Started I’m Shelley from Miami Physio and Lakelands Physio and I have never thought of myself as a runner. I’ve always been sporty, but I’d struggled to be able to just go for a jog. I’d get rib pain like a stitch on my right side about 1.5km in and would have...